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Hunger And Homelessness Awareness Week
39 HOOVER AVENUE PASSAIC, NJ 07055 22 Passaic Street, PassaicHunger and Homelessness Awareness Week directs attention towards finding solutions to combat hunger and homelessness. Here at SMILE, we focus on addressing hunger at our food pantry, allowing clients to "shop" for a selection of healthy and culturally appropriate foods. We couple our food pantry services with case management to address the variety of issues…
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Nearly 4 in 10 women served at SMILE are survivors of domestic violence. We are committed to empowering these women to make their own decisions and achieving self-sufficiency in the way they see fit. What is domestic violence? The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence defines domestic violence as: The…
Diaper Need Awareness Week
39 HOOVER AVENUE PASSAIC, NJ 07055 22 Passaic Street, PassaicDid you know that diaper need is a leading cause of depression in new mothers? Diaper need is an epidemic that places financial, physical, and mental strains on entire families. SMILE provides nearly 100 babies each month with fresh diapers, so new moms can focus on raising happy and healthy babies instead of being worried…